Wednesday, December 27, 2006


This joke comes straight from my seven-year-old... What has four wheels and flies? (Usual airplane?) Nope...a GARBAGE TRUCK! And a question from my four-year-old after the death of our cat... Do you think Oliver's eyes stayed open so that he could watch TV in heaven? Another doozy from the four-year old... Mommy - I had really good balls at the bowling alley today.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Credit Card

My seven year old daughter, who has recently been bitten by the shopping bug turns to me yesterday asking the question of the week:
"Mommy, how do you get a credit card?"
"You have to get a job," I tell her.
"Can I get a credit card?"
"Not until you get a job," I respond, thinking that'll put an end to the conversation"
"But I have a job," she replies. "I clean the cat litter!"

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Short but Cute

Overheard in our minivan...
"Tell your mom that we should go to the ice cream store,"
"She's not my mom. She's my mommy."