Thursday, March 27, 2008

Goldfish by Rebecca Feldman

Pets are really fun,
Some eat out of your dish,
The only pet you don't want to have, 
Is a tiny little goldfish,
All they do is sit around and do nothing all day,
All you can do is feed them,
And go with your friends to play.
They die in about a week,
And that is not really fun,
So next time you get a goldfish
Please get more than one.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

What's in a Name?

Conversation in our car...
Rebecca - who would you vote for in the presidential election?
"Definitely Hillary Clinton because I want her to be the first woman president."
Dylan, who would you vote for?  Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney or Ron Paul?
"I like Mike Huckabee."
"Why, Mike Huckabee?"
"His name is funny."

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Dental Assistant

This is the way to visit the kids went for cleanings yesterday and our awesome dentist, Dr. G. let the kids have a bit of fun while he took care of their teeth.  Becca and Dylan were his assistants for the visit and when Dylan learned he had a cavity and endured a huge needle, drill and numb lip, he got to pick out five toys from the treasure chest.  
Funny, but when I used to go to the dentist as a kid, they had to strap me down to the chair in a strait jacket - no joke - they actually did that to me once when I didn't want to endure yet another painful drilling experience. Lucky for my kids, they've got a dentist who knows exactly how to keep them occupied and happy while taking care of business.    

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Presidential Debate

3rd Grade Language Arts Homework by Rebecca Feldman
Assignment: Use the words divergent, career, humble, boastful, humility and memorable in a sentence:
My mom and dad have divergent views of who should be the next president. My mom is voting for Hillary Clinton and my dad is definitely not. My mom admires her career and things she is a humble woman. However, my dad thinks she is a boastful person who lacks humility. I don’t know who will be president this year but the election will be a memorable one.