Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Theme to the Brady Bunch...Re-written by Dylan

Here's the story, Of a lonely lady, Who was bringing up three very ugly girls, All of them liked to wear gold, Like their mother, The youngest one had curls, More to come...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Patrick's Day

My son is all excited to go over our friends tonight for a party. But he's confused St. Patrick's Day with "Patrick's Day." Seems that Dylan thinks we're going over to the neighbors to celebrate Sponge Bob's ambigously gay friend's birthday.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Put it on Your Website

My son has become so savvy about my blog postings that he's been testing out material on me and when I told him today that his material today was a little weak (okay, I admit that's harsh) he yelled out, "Mommy, I hate your jokes!" Holy crap - four years old and we're already headed for family therapy. Now let me tell you, my son is hilarious. He comes up with zingers all the time but at four, he's bound to throw out some one liners that don't make the grade for our kiddy blog. But, I do have a a doozy of a poem he came up with this weekend... We will, we will flush you down the toilet And see if you enjoy it. Funny if we can get him off toilet humor, we'll be golden...who am I kidding? Our book title is Peeing in Peace...obviously he gets his material from yours truly.