Saturday, January 27, 2007

What's in a Name

It's been about a month since our cat died so today, we decided to take a chance and bring home a new cat to keep our lonely feline, Rudy company. The cat has pretty much been hiding out all day and my kids are busy trying to figure out what to name her.
"What about Raven?" says Rebecca.
"Absolutely not," says Darin "That show drives me nuts."
"Okay. What about Rosie?" she offers.
"Rudy and Rosie sitting in a tree k*i*s*s* and k*i*p*," sings my four-year-old who obviously has a spelling problem.
"How about Gracie? That's a nice name!"
"Okay - I've got it. What do you think of Pussy?"
Containing my laughter, my husband looks at me and counters, "I've got no problems with that one."

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